Sunday, April 6, 2014


Photoshop is an amazing platform that gives photographers the ability to cut apart, piece together, adjust, fix, and manipulate photos. To illustrate, let's assume I just shot a portrait that looked great on set -- great smile, strong posture, balanced lighting. However, during processing I notice a few stray hairs strung across the face. Photoshop is great for fixing minor flaws like that. Here's another example of how the program is best used. When shooting photos of products, some clients want their images displayed against a pure white backdrop. To accomplish this, I would first shoot the product against a white backdrop. Unfortunately though, it's difficult to get a white background exposed to "pure white" without compromising the exposure of the subject. That's where Photoshop comes into play. In this case, a pure white background can be achieved using extractions -- essentially cutting the subject (product) out of the original photo and placing it against a false background. In fact, sometimes it's not even necessary to shoot against a white background. I know colleagues who shoot products and get great extraction results regardless of the background found in the original exposure. Those are just two examples of what Photoshop is commonly used for.

What Photoshop Is Not:

Let's be clear -- Photoshop is not a magician. While the algorithms used for some of Photoshop's tools have become amazingly sophisticated, they are not perfect. I'm not necessarily criticizing Photoshop's programmers. Obviously, they're geniuses. But as a photographer, I'm acutely aware Photoshop can't simply make something out of nothing -- the original image still has to be a quality photo. Photoshop has fantastic cloning capabilities, accurate healing brushes, color correction and plenty of other tools. But because of those tools I often hear things like, "You can just remove that. Just change it in Photoshop. You can just add that in later, right?" While a lot of replacements, additions and changes can be made with Photoshop, making those changes can become very complex and involved. There are so many variables that need to be taken into account, so it takes a lot of time and a lot of pixel pushing. Making drastic changes to images -- like removing objects and adding people -- requires a lot of time and skill in order to make sure the final photo still looks authentic.

Photoshop is an amazing tool, but it's not a wizard. While its capabilities extend far beyond the examples I've illustrated, keep in mind utilizing many of those capabilities is not as simple as you might think. It's still best to capture a great image and use Photoshop to make minor corrections.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Singe the rainy streets of Seattle with neon footprints, or sneak through a military compound as a legendary hero; it’s a colossal week for gaming, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes arrive on PlayStation.

For stealth and political intrigue, the next chapter in Hideo Kojima’s sweeping espionage action series, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, which serves as a prologue to the upcoming Phantom Pain, finds Big Boss infiltrating a military base in Cuba. With a redesigned interface, multiple missions, and a new open-world design, Ground Zeroes promises an unrivaled degree of freedom in the Metal Gear universe.

Even I watched my friend from behind playing this game make me fall in love with this chapter of this game, even know that the game finished fast in the normal difficulty.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Don't have enough time

You might not realize it, but you already have the only tool you need to change your entire life.

That tool isn’t money, or energy, or time. It isn’t access to the “right” people or making use of the “best practices” for anything. There’s no hacking involved.

Because the only tool you need to start changing your life is your language. Your words. More specifically, the words you use for the story you tell about yourself, to yourself – because that story creates your entire reality.

If you tell yourself you never have enough money, you’ll always feel like that – no matter how much you have. If you tell yourself that dating is horrible, dating will be horrible – for you. And – my favorite – if you keep going on and on about how “busy” you are and how that’s the reason why you can’t do the things you really want to do, like eat well and exercise and take care of yourself, then guess what? You just made that your reality.

I know this all might sound sort of silly. You might be thinking that changing one or two words won’t work for you. But if you feel that way, and if you’re already mentally dismissing what I’m saying, that means you’ve hit upon some pretty strong resistance – which actually means you have the most to gain from trying this approach.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream

Look at this ice cream. It is decadent, velvety-smooth, and swirled with delicious bites of cracker pieces and tart lemon curd. The richness of the whipping cream and cream cheese is balanced by the lemon. It is, not to brag, probably the best tasting ice cream I have ever made.   As usual, no ice cream maker is required for this recipe, or my others here, here and here.
I had a spark of creativity; I really wanted something with lemon, but did not want to turn on the oven. So,  lemon ice cream.
This is just so pretty, I love it. It tastes good too, this was confirmed by a second source, my brother, who was skeptical of this flavor combination, but ended up eating two bowls once it was ready.

Not to mention, photographing ice cream is actually fun. It is easy to style and is a playful food to begin with; normally taking pictures is not something I like about food blogging. Ironic, no? Am I the only blogger out there that feels this way?

Malaysia weather is extremely hot, having this ice cream is like heavenly even after.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Clips are common found for the basic use, such as binder clip, crocodile clip(for car) & cloth clip. Which those could be easily purchase in supermarket with a reasonable price. But there's still got a lot of ideas to produce new clip with even more creativity still remain unknown. I gonna to introduce a clip.

Nipple clips. This is a device used to clip cow's teat, which also help to easily squeeze out milk. Of cause, this one is used for cow
while milk was produce. Many ppl often thinking "way too" straight forward. Why??? Those thought that this clips is used to clip on a nipple which produce milk(breast milk). Yes, is the same explaination as the nipple clips. But, all they think that this is use to clip on the girl's nipple where locate at their breast; of cause the bigger, the more it will produce (Sorry, i didn't mean to discriminate that most of u r flat).
Those clip that is also used to clip on the nipple are also known as "nipple clip", the only different is the clip which could be easily purchase. That is used torture ppl; like the SM maniac. Where the Saddist use to clip on a Masochism's nipples & forcefully put it out with an elastic strings [Pls, dun learn this]. Masochism suffer lots of pain as their nipple has been forcefully unplug.

Yes, there's a lots more creative ideas that can design for clips. But, dun design like what I say above. I'm hereby telling u: 'Dun Try This Anywhere & forget about it'.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Drills are practices in purpose to learn what to do during an emergency. Fire, earthquake and floods are the most common one we see for time to time. But there are so much new apocalypse recently (thanks to humans we called geniuses) why don't we have a drill for those new disasters.

Depression drills. People nowadays are living in stress and easily to catch the emo-flu. The schools or offices should consider a set of depression drills like a demonstration on how to stab yourself with a knife safety if you ever regret and or a jumping off building drills to show their patient on how should one jump off a building to ensure you dont end up coma or crippled in the end.

Zombies drills. Who knows when will this come but practices it beforehand is always better. Self defense techniques like wrapping yourself with magazines will prevent one from getting infected from bites and scratches. Always go for the brain to ensure the zombie's activity are null and to prevent new hordes from generating infinitely.

Drills are so important to ensure your safety and should be practice from time to time no matter where or what are you doing.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Nike-Just do it

"Just do it" what does it mean to you? Simple sentence? Part of phychological encouragement? If you buy NIKE shoes, do you just "buy" it?
What is so unique of this slogan?

It the encourage to do something you can do it, should do it, and want to do it, what are you waiting for? Many things in life that we excuse or misplace blame for are
not created by what we do but by what we fail to do. Maybe we just procrastinate and just don’t get around to action. Or maybe it’s just a thought, something that we
think would be nice to do, but we just aren't serious about it.
Example:For the person giving the advice, it seems like a simple-enough summary of what they would do if they were you.  But you're not them, and a summary isn't sufficient to
teach you how to do what they do, any more than saying "just pedal and keep your balance" will teach you how to ride a bike!

And thus, these bits of standard advice are pretty much useless, because the only people who can understand the words are the ones who already know what they mean.
And those people aren't the ones who really need to be told.  Meanwhile, for the rest of us, it's like trying to learn to ride a bike with someone standing next to you yelling,
"Just pedal and keep your balance!"

Unfortunately, the self-help literature is full of this sort of well-meaning but essentially useless advice.  As a result, studies tend to show that one kind of self-help works
pretty much as well as another.

Nothing unique about this slogan interpretation. Just do whatever u can...Come on, this is life, n this is what is mean to live.

But, i'm not belong in that category. This is more like me: JUST DO IT.....TMR.


Friday, February 7, 2014

Breaking News

Flappy Bird is a devil's game n apocalypse, suffered an untimely death caused the destruction of millions of mobile devices. So why bring back Flappy Bird???

To bring the power back to the ppl. they choose wat they want to spend every momemt trying to get through those tubes of horror with this mangled and deformed bird (much like a hamburger bird).
This highly addictive and frustrating mobile app had created a lot of angry users. Though it was simple and easy to play, critics, gamer and bloggers began tearing Flappy Bird apart as it grew in popularity. Users were accusing Nguyen of using bots to ensure higher ratings and even calling “Flappy Bird” plagiarism and “ripped-off art. Flappy Bird is entirely artless, and completely uninterested in giving us an experience outside of mechanical mastery. Flappy Bird isn't a good video game. It's arguably not even a fun one.
Flappy Bird...u r not awesome!!!!! U piss me a lot...Piss on u, enjoy flapping ur "bird".

But wat i imagine this game? A "bird"(male sex weapon) flapping to get through/insert into the vagina. Wat achieve is mastery the accuracy of the their "bird" to fuck in one blow in total number that can be insert. That wat it's goal is!!!! This game is terrifying!!! totally misinterpret n make me think such a things. (Sry, no pic available)

*Attention to all males, I tell where to find  flappy bird. The bird is locate where u hide ur extension plug. Is free to play, but dun break it la...XP!!!


Monday, February 3, 2014

Play Amnesia a machine for pigs

Amnesia A Machine For Pigs: What a scary creepy horror game!!! Finding the lost memories n clue about his past to stop the dark secret that found the place. This game all it had is the player n monsters. Lol!!! That it!!!

What the game play does??? Hide away from the monster n finding clue...What a child play, but it does look scary when playing this game. Everyone get very nervous n creep out when the audio is open loud, n the display become blur n reddish. Which the monster coming out of nowhere is also included...

What is the monster looks like???? Hmmmmnnn.... let's see!!! PIGS EVERYWHERE!!!!! A standing pig feature which is looks more that a pig than human holding a meat knifes like butcher. WOW...pig evolution what these it look like for the next evolution... Same as the evolution of prime mates??? Hahaha...

Where did those human pigs come from???
It came from female pig's womb after having SEX with a male person. W8!!! I correct my sentence. Or should I say that someone who his mind is pervert enough to think n bored with MASTURBATION did find themselves a pigs to enjoy SEX with it. This is hw it concluded, hw does those human pigs even born n appear in this world. (This is a power of genetic make-up. This power of SCIENCE!!!!!)
WTF...... Who the hell was thinking of having SEX with the pigs!!!! 

*Damn, everything has gone so wrong.... To everyone who saw this post, PLS , DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH THE PIGS after reading this...*

This game is awesome. Dun judge this game without even playing it....!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chinese new year celebration

CNY: The Chinese festival marking the start of the new year, beginning on the second new moon after the winter solstice and ending on the full moon fifteen days later. It is marked by visits to family and friends, special meals, fireworks, and gift giving. CNY is a reunion of a whole family where children get angpau from the elder relatives, n enjoy the yu sang to celebrate. 

In the year of horse 2014, wat I thought of CNY? Izit fun enjoying the CNY celebration? n wat the point celebrating it??? Well, I never thought much of that!!! 1st thing that enter my mind which is ANGPAU, also known as red packet of prosperity. Giving an angpau in CNY is very meaningful , where youngster receive from the elder ppl who got married. All I knw is that the angpau money$$$ is getting lesser n lesser, but I wouldn't care of hw much it given until the end of CNY.

Wat I thought of going holiday 4 travel during CNY?????
Going holiday 4 travel in the CNY is a bad idea (Pls, do not choose the wrong choice!!!!)... I was force to abandon my homework n assignment at home. Most of the Malaysian's Chinese restaurant  r closed/ reserved... It hard to found foods during CNY. This is wat I experience lately!!!!  At the end, hav to eat cup noodles everyday during holidays.... IT WAS A NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! RMB THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!!!!!!

Wat I think of family reunion?
For me family reunion is a good thing that family gather together, but on the other perspective family reunion is looks like gang. Almost of my father and mother side family smoke a lot like gangster and they talk cock. Smoke everywhere, Chat everywhere, Like A Boss. 

Anyway, CNY is fun. I can explore houses of friends n relatives Eat, Getting ANGPAU, n Have fun with them, which giv me a meaningful CNY ever...!!!!!

I hereby, wishing all Happy CNY to everyone. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Read a book

Lost Light: A story of a detective, named Bosch. Initially i though its gonna be the same crime fighting bad thief, good cop plot. At first its the normal searching for clues to solving the case...Haha is like playing "Crime Case" on FB. Somehow it became it revealed that his client was just a "son of a bitch" that paralyzed forever. Taking bribery and killing a person being a cop....Ha in ur face!!! His been used as a tool of repent, and nearly getting himself killed, not ONCE! BUT 3x TIMES!!  What a stupid fellow... If I being use as dummy, I wont b like him. I will quit to avoid getting myself hurts.

A long divorce relationship of the main character n his ex-wife, still have feeling for each other, but he didnt giv it a shot as a man. Come On la, since u gonna to get kill at the last chapter of the book, at least enjoy s_ex with her. Shit this guy not even notice that his ex-wife hav a daughter of his, at  5years old ady. What happen if I hav 5 years old daughter ady??? (It's time 4 Critical Thinking question!!!) Accept her and become a father or leave her with her mother and never care? Sounds like the tv series Nanny Daddy, haha!
Truth is, i really don't know. I don't even have a girlfriend now, not to mention and ex, but i'll leave that into consideration.
Actually having a daughter might just really be nice....who knows?

Yeah right, like i even care!......

Watch new movie

Thor: The Mighty Thor, God of Thunder has fallen to the earth. Oh really!!! If Thor really came n live as half human half god, then what is the reason he do on earth??? Eat? Sleep? Play?... Eat? Sleep? Play? That all??? Hw does he arrive on earth??? If he fallen from sky, he surely die when it reach on the earth since his is half. (forget what I say on the very 1st sentence!!! Thor is not mighty at all!!!) THAT IMPOSSIBLE,RIGHT!!!! Hmmnn...??? Hw about transport by airplane from heaven to earth, US, New York. Even his hammer couldnt pass through the airport security since weapon r not allow to bring aboard.
This is a dialog I cre8.
Airport Security say, "Excuse me Sir, weapon is not allow to bring, so we will confiscate ur hammer". Thor reply, " No...!!! This is my hammer of justice. I'm The mighty THOR!!!". Airport Security speak with the walky-talky on hand n say, "Excuse me there is an emergency, we found out that an insane clarify himself as The mighty Thor. We nid an ambulances immediately!!! This guy is insane send him to the MPH (Mental Problem Hospital)".

The name of "Thor" has been used by ppl since the 1st movie has out. As a lots of things has been label with "Thor" like pic below:


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Eat new food

Fish Tikka: It taste sour even without the lime. I wonder will it taste even nicer if the mayonnaise r added into this dish??? Well, I never try n I dun wan to try it at all. But it sure taste nicer. Fish Tikka vs. Dori Fish, r this 2 dishes taste the same??? Well, it is somehow taste alike, but Fish Tikka is taste even saltier bcs of the way the Tandoori dishes taste like.

Garlic Naan: I have a bad experience eating garlic naan. It took me an hours to eat garlic naan, because it hard when it cold. This taste nicer when it still hot with the sauce. Garlic Naan vs. Roti Canai, this 2 dishes main ingredient is flour. Both r the same, but Y? isit taste very differently at the same time. Why????Y?Y?Y?WHY?.....   (Even I couldnt answer this question...=_=!!!)

Eat new foods, find n compare the taste!!! :)