Monday, March 17, 2014

Don't have enough time

You might not realize it, but you already have the only tool you need to change your entire life.

That tool isn’t money, or energy, or time. It isn’t access to the “right” people or making use of the “best practices” for anything. There’s no hacking involved.

Because the only tool you need to start changing your life is your language. Your words. More specifically, the words you use for the story you tell about yourself, to yourself – because that story creates your entire reality.

If you tell yourself you never have enough money, you’ll always feel like that – no matter how much you have. If you tell yourself that dating is horrible, dating will be horrible – for you. And – my favorite – if you keep going on and on about how “busy” you are and how that’s the reason why you can’t do the things you really want to do, like eat well and exercise and take care of yourself, then guess what? You just made that your reality.

I know this all might sound sort of silly. You might be thinking that changing one or two words won’t work for you. But if you feel that way, and if you’re already mentally dismissing what I’m saying, that means you’ve hit upon some pretty strong resistance – which actually means you have the most to gain from trying this approach.

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