Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Eat new food

Fish Tikka: It taste sour even without the lime. I wonder will it taste even nicer if the mayonnaise r added into this dish??? Well, I never try n I dun wan to try it at all. But it sure taste nicer. Fish Tikka vs. Dori Fish, r this 2 dishes taste the same??? Well, it is somehow taste alike, but Fish Tikka is taste even saltier bcs of the way the Tandoori dishes taste like.

Garlic Naan: I have a bad experience eating garlic naan. It took me an hours to eat garlic naan, because it hard when it cold. This taste nicer when it still hot with the sauce. Garlic Naan vs. Roti Canai, this 2 dishes main ingredient is flour. Both r the same, but Y? isit taste very differently at the same time. Why????Y?Y?Y?WHY?.....   (Even I couldnt answer this question...=_=!!!)

Eat new foods, find n compare the taste!!! :)

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