Saturday, March 1, 2014


Clips are common found for the basic use, such as binder clip, crocodile clip(for car) & cloth clip. Which those could be easily purchase in supermarket with a reasonable price. But there's still got a lot of ideas to produce new clip with even more creativity still remain unknown. I gonna to introduce a clip.

Nipple clips. This is a device used to clip cow's teat, which also help to easily squeeze out milk. Of cause, this one is used for cow
while milk was produce. Many ppl often thinking "way too" straight forward. Why??? Those thought that this clips is used to clip on a nipple which produce milk(breast milk). Yes, is the same explaination as the nipple clips. But, all they think that this is use to clip on the girl's nipple where locate at their breast; of cause the bigger, the more it will produce (Sorry, i didn't mean to discriminate that most of u r flat).
Those clip that is also used to clip on the nipple are also known as "nipple clip", the only different is the clip which could be easily purchase. That is used torture ppl; like the SM maniac. Where the Saddist use to clip on a Masochism's nipples & forcefully put it out with an elastic strings [Pls, dun learn this]. Masochism suffer lots of pain as their nipple has been forcefully unplug.

Yes, there's a lots more creative ideas that can design for clips. But, dun design like what I say above. I'm hereby telling u: 'Dun Try This Anywhere & forget about it'.

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